Thursday 5 August 2010

Surrender Story

Marc James' song Surrender is one that I've loved ever since hearing it on the 3rd Vineyard UK album. We sung it to death at Grace Church but recently I've dug it out and been singing it on my own.

You never grow beyond the need to lay down your 'rights' before God.

Marc shared some thoughts about the song on the new Kingsway Worship site, including how the song was started in the UK and finished in Hawaii!

Back in 98 I was working as a schools worker in St Albans England. God had moved in my heart that I should go into high schools and share my faith with whoever would listen. I was also traveling with the band, leading worship, running 2 youth groups, and hanging out in pubs annoying people by trying to convert them..

It got to Christmas time and I was completely burned out and tired . I felt like I had nothing left to give. It seemed that despite all my efforts to share the gospel nothing was really changing. I had really taken to heart prophetic voices that had blown through our town,through our nation, people were talking up revival....I had taken it upon myself to make that happen!
It was in that context that one night I sat down with my 3/4 size nylon string guitar and sung to God “I’m giving you my heart and all that is within I lay it all down” I really was at the end of myself and felt so disappointed, discouraged and more than that I felt damaged (A true artist!!!) I wasn’t sure If God had let me down or If I had let him down..

Read the rest here

Related Posts: We Need You (behind the song)
Your Love Is Amazing (behind the song)

Free songs by Matt Blick

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